Time Is More Important Than Money

The most valuable asset anyone has is time, not money. Money comes and goes, but time, when it’s gone – it’s gone forever.

Some people, at an early age, value money more than time, thinking that money can bring them happiness. Later in life, they regret wasting their time chasing after money instead of spending it with love-ones. When people look back at their lives, they never wish they had more time for work. Instead, they wish they had more time to spend with family and friends. They realize that there is no point in having more money if they don’t have the time to spend it on what they enjoy and desire the most.

Hence the paradox. You either have a lot of free time but not enough money to spend on things that bring you joy, or you have a lot of money but no time to enjoy it.

The key is to find a balance where you earn enough money without sacrificing your free time. Even though you cannot restore the time you spend, you can buy time by avoiding spending it all in your business.

If you are a newbie in the world of online marketing, you could buy time by hiring a mentor. This would save you a tremendous amount of time and aggravation. Your mentor had walked the walk to get where you want to be, so leverage his/her experience to shortcut your journey.

If you are a veteran in the world of online marketing, you could buy time by hiring a virtual assistant (VA). Delegate your responsibilities to the VA so that you spend your time doing what you love to do – not what you have to do in your business. Amongst the many tasks a VA can help you with are administrative tasks, online presence, content/research, lead generation, bookkeeping, customer service, and more.

Money can buy you freedom – the freedom to utilize your time in ways that bring you the most joy.

How do you spend your time/money?